I learned a new word recently from a friend at Crafty Old Crow. It's nakies. That's her term for her doll bodies that she has yet to dress! What you are looking at here is a Santa nakie! That's one of my cypress knee Santas that has yet to be "dressed'. Well, actually, I guess I would have to say this one is in his underwear since he has had a coat of primer and a base coat of red paint.
I spray paint Santa's robe basecoat color for all colors except burgundy and some shades of green. The trouble with these colors is that the basecoat color bleeds through the lighter colors of the beards and fur trim. Burgundy turns the beards pink and green turns them yellow.
Therefore, I sketch the design onto the gray primer coat. Then I add the burgundy or green being sure not to get it onto the areas where beards and/or fur will be added.
With all other colors, I skip the sketching and just pick up the paintbrush and go to town winging it as I go!
Scroll down to a previous post to see the "dressed" Santa.