Rain, rain go away
I don't want my house to leak!
Would you like to take a peek?
Yep, my house is under there somewhere! The weather got pretty rough just hours before I was to leave for my craft show in Mississippi. That's when the HUGE tree on the north end of my house split and fell across the roof (almost full length). Most mornings I can hardly get out of bed due to my aches and pains. When that tree hit at 4:30 a.m. that morning, I was out of that bed and wide awake in seconds. Never thought of my pains! I was just thanking the good Lord that tree wasn't in bed with me!
Within hours I had filed an insurance claim and my insurance agent had a team of tree cutters clearing my roof. I left everything in my brother-in-law's (and sister's) capable hands and I left only 2 hours later than planned for my show.
Now the show is another story. I'll post that later.
Yikes thankfully no one got hurt....